Thursday, May 6, 2021

Morning Challenges is an online resource that we have implemented into our daily planning that provides a variety of cross curricula questions and challenges. Our akonga are engaged in the daily challenges. The learning is differentiated meaning everyone has the opportunity to achieve success. It was great to see one of  the challenges required the akonga to use google drawings. The akonga are becoming more confident and creative in presenting their mahi. I especially like that they need to formulate great questions to get great answers.


Jeannet Penney

6 May 2021

Oturu School

 'Making Sense' sensory strategies trauma informed PB4L 

What do we or can do to help our tamariki learn at school

  • Identify our learners needs
  • make learning fun
  • Integrate activities that involve senses (multiple intelligences- audible kinaesthetic, visual etc)
  • Play based learning
  • Routines, structure, rules, co constructed
  • Child led learning
  • Safe environment -feed them, hug them
  • Teachers model expectations (self management, self regulation)
Dominique Unger Peria school (Trauma strategy)
  • 5 things you can see
  • 4 things you can touch or feel
  • 3 things you can hear
  • 2 things you can smell
  • 1 thing great about yourself