Sunday, June 20, 2021

In reading we have been learning about the authors purpose and questioning their intent. We have introduced different text types and discussed language features and structure and questioning whether the author was trying to inform, persuade or entertain their audience and use evidence to support their thinking. I especially like this lesson as akonga were able to make connections and co construct their own success criteria based on their new learning experiences. The task was to present their Tuku Iho (Mana Potential). It was great to observe the learners become the authors and apply their skills to the task.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

 Manaiakalani Literacy Sharing

Donna Yates Facilitator

Paparore School


Kaingaroa: Elise

  • Using technology and a variety of media to create and promote purakau and whakapapa 
Pompallier: Dannielle
  • literacy Circles and pod casting
Paparore: Edwina
  • Using STEMs to integrate learning video diary
  • Outdoor learning environment student voice visual audio slides
Oturu: Sacha (Stacey, Bella)
  • Environmental Journey capturing student voice visual audio slides

Sunday, June 6, 2021

 Evaluation of Resources and Classroom Management

Evaluation of online resource. Akonga are no longer engaged or motivated by Morning Challenges. Ali and I have decided to create our own Morning Challenge based on our inquiry 'Waterways'. This will be more relevant to our learners needs and we can tailor it to suit our localised curriculum.

We have also noticed an improvement in the noise level in Te Moana. We rearranged the classroom to reduce off task learning behaviour. We are now able to view what the akonga are learning on their devices without relying on Hapara. We have also noticed akonga are more engaged in their learning. We have also reinforced our expectations by setting clear instructions. Lining up before we enter the classroom, how we enter the classroom etc. This is having a positive impact on their overall behaviour. 

We will begin our reading writing and maths rotations next week. With consistency, this will improve the overall learning behaviour of the class.

Well Being Symposium

Friday 4th June 2021 Kaitaia Intermediate

Presenters: Pio Terei and Nicola Adams (Nga Puhi)

  • Communication=being professional mindful of how we communicate with akonga and whanau
  • Relationships=establishing a rapport with each akonga, knowing the learner, where they are at and setting goals
  • Modelling=setting high expectations, setting strong boundaries reinforcing te ao and tikanga maori 
  • Generational Trauma=Green Brain Red Brain=coming to school already on red brain=Readiness to learn=green brain
  • Be empathetic not sympathetic=acknowledge where are akonga are coming from and empowering them to regain and reinforce their mana (Mana Potential)
  • Emotional Tank=make sure you take care of your own emotional tank first before you can help others
  • Space= providing safe caring and supportive learning environments and again setting high expectations and boundaries. Giving akonga opportunities to learn from their mistakes. Encourage them to take risks in their learning 
  • Deficit Thinking=Focus on the positives not the negatives=Break the cycle of stereo typing maori by empowering our akonga to be proud of who they are and where they come from
  • Warriors=successful maori men and woman share the role of nurturing. Provide our akonga with the opportunity to experience leaderdship roles
Kaitaia Primary School
Presenter: Ngahihi o te ra Bidios (Te Arawa)
  • Leadership=Influence=being a positive role model for all our akonga
  • Goal Setting=having a vision for the future short and long term=establishing learning goals
  • Opportunities=take advantage of every opportunity to lead=provide opportunities for all akonga that promote leadership
  • Leaders=listen and are invited to speak=listen without bias, speak with integrity
  • Voice=the use of your voice can portray leadership=provide opportunities for akonga to present either through kapa haka, inquiry, small group and whole class discussions. 
  • Te Reo=the use of te reo maori as a powerful medium to impart knowledge, te ao me tikanga maori=kapa haka, mihimihi, karakia, waiata tautoko etc
  • Role Models=who is or are the people in your life that support and believe in you? Surrounding yourself with like minded people. People who can fulfil specific roles and responsibilities=delegation. As a kaiako be a positive role model be a leader. Show akonga you care about their learning by providing every opportunity for akonga to participate, co-operate, collaborate and co-construct in the learning process. Model what reflection and evaluation look like.
  • "If it aint Broke, Fix it" there is always the opportunity to improve
  • Seize every opportunity to inspire others to be leaders
  • Tapa Wha=as a model for Well Being representing how learners learn holistically. Visual, audible, kinesthetic, and thinking