Sunday, June 6, 2021

Well Being Symposium

Friday 4th June 2021 Kaitaia Intermediate

Presenters: Pio Terei and Nicola Adams (Nga Puhi)

  • Communication=being professional mindful of how we communicate with akonga and whanau
  • Relationships=establishing a rapport with each akonga, knowing the learner, where they are at and setting goals
  • Modelling=setting high expectations, setting strong boundaries reinforcing te ao and tikanga maori 
  • Generational Trauma=Green Brain Red Brain=coming to school already on red brain=Readiness to learn=green brain
  • Be empathetic not sympathetic=acknowledge where are akonga are coming from and empowering them to regain and reinforce their mana (Mana Potential)
  • Emotional Tank=make sure you take care of your own emotional tank first before you can help others
  • Space= providing safe caring and supportive learning environments and again setting high expectations and boundaries. Giving akonga opportunities to learn from their mistakes. Encourage them to take risks in their learning 
  • Deficit Thinking=Focus on the positives not the negatives=Break the cycle of stereo typing maori by empowering our akonga to be proud of who they are and where they come from
  • Warriors=successful maori men and woman share the role of nurturing. Provide our akonga with the opportunity to experience leaderdship roles
Kaitaia Primary School
Presenter: Ngahihi o te ra Bidios (Te Arawa)
  • Leadership=Influence=being a positive role model for all our akonga
  • Goal Setting=having a vision for the future short and long term=establishing learning goals
  • Opportunities=take advantage of every opportunity to lead=provide opportunities for all akonga that promote leadership
  • Leaders=listen and are invited to speak=listen without bias, speak with integrity
  • Voice=the use of your voice can portray leadership=provide opportunities for akonga to present either through kapa haka, inquiry, small group and whole class discussions. 
  • Te Reo=the use of te reo maori as a powerful medium to impart knowledge, te ao me tikanga maori=kapa haka, mihimihi, karakia, waiata tautoko etc
  • Role Models=who is or are the people in your life that support and believe in you? Surrounding yourself with like minded people. People who can fulfil specific roles and responsibilities=delegation. As a kaiako be a positive role model be a leader. Show akonga you care about their learning by providing every opportunity for akonga to participate, co-operate, collaborate and co-construct in the learning process. Model what reflection and evaluation look like.
  • "If it aint Broke, Fix it" there is always the opportunity to improve
  • Seize every opportunity to inspire others to be leaders
  • Tapa Wha=as a model for Well Being representing how learners learn holistically. Visual, audible, kinesthetic, and thinking

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